Home > Cameras > Digital SLR > Pentax > Pentax K-30 (Black)
Pentax K-30 (Black)

The K30 (Body Only) from Pentax is a great entry for hobbyists looking to purchase a DSLR for the first time, or photographers who need a newer camera with a more rugged construction and larger sensor. With a fast 6 frames per second and built-in image stabilization, it will easily catch your kids playing in the big game, or the hummingbird that visits your feeder. You'll also be able to shoot worry-free due to the K30's full weather sealing that allows for use in any weather condition, including below-freezing temperatures of 14 F! With 16 megapixels, and a maximum resolution of 4928 x 3264, you'll also have free reign to print enlargements, easily up to 11 x 14" and beyond, to hang up in the living room or a home office.
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