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Nikon EN-EL4a Battery for D2 and D3

Nikon EN-EL4a Battery for D2 and D3

The high-capacity Nikon EN-EL4a Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery works for the Nikon D2H, D2Hs, D2X, D2Xs, D3, D3s and D3X digital cameras. It can also be combined with the optional BL-3 battery chamber to be used with the MB-D10 grip for the D300, D300s, and D700 cameras. It features Lithium technology, which ensures maximum battery life and maximum power. It also features No Memory Effect so you can recharge partially drained batteries without reducing performance.

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AdoramaUnited States $148.95 USD $244.36 1 month ago
  US Warranty

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1 month ago

+$0.00 S&H
+$0.00 Duty and Brokerage
+$19.36 Tax (13%)
$168.31 USD
x 1.4518 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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