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Nikon D7000

Nikon D7000

With its 16.2MP CMOS image sensor and Nikon's new EXPEED 2 image processing system, the D7000 DSLR delivers superior image quality with low noise. The EXPEED 2 image processing engine combined with a 14-bit analog/digital conversion brings a new level of even tonal gradations while managing color, contrast, exposure, and noise resulting in brilliant image quality. EXPEED 2 also manages the D7000's speedy 5-millisecond shutter response, blazing AF speed and rapid six frames-per-second (fps) burst speed for up to 100 images. Building upon the popular D90 DSLR, the Nikon D7000 captures breathtaking full 1080p HD movies with full-time autofocus and manual exposure control using the D-Movie function.

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