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Rollei Original Baby Rolleiflex 4x4 K1

Rollei Original Baby Rolleiflex 4x4 K1

Model 4RF 410 & 411 March 1931 - December 1932 Serials: 135.000 - 145.100 Taking Lens: Model 411: Zeiss Jena Tessar 3,5/60 Model 412: Zeiss Jena Tessar 2,8/60 Both with push-on filter 28.5mm. Finder lens: Heidoscop Anastigmat 2,8/60mm Shutter: Compur, 1 - 1/300 sec., T & B. Film: 4x4, Type 127. Film Transportation: winding lever with red window for first exposure on back of camera, counter window for exposures 2-12. Blank film pressure plate. Dimensions: 11.3x7.5x7.9cm. Weight: 580 grams. Aperture and shutter times engraved below and above taking lens. Model 4RF 413 & 414 (pictured) January 1933 - November 1934 Serials: 150.000 - 154.999 Taking Lens: Model 413: Zeiss Jena Tessar 3,5/60 Model 414: Zeiss Jena Tessar 2,8/60 Both with push-on filter 28.5mm. Finder lens: Heidoscop Anastigmat 2,8/60mm Shutter: Compur, 1 - 1/300 sec., T & B. Film: 4x4, Type 127. Film Transportation: winding lever with red window for first exposure on back of camera, counter window for exposures 2-12.

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